När han kom ner på gatan efter kärleksmötet
virvlade snö i luften.
Vintern hade kommit
medan de låg hos varann.
Natten lyste vit.
Han gick fort av glädje.
Hela staden sluttade.
Förbipasserande leenden -
alla log bakum uppgällda kragar.
Det var fritt!
Och alla frågetecken började sjunga om Guds tillvaro.
Så tyckte han!
En musik gjorde sig lös
och gick i yrande snö
med långa steg.
Allting på vandring mot ton C.
En darrande kompass riktad mot C.
En timme ovanför plågorna.
Det var lätt!
Alla log bakom uppfällda kragar.
ur Den halvfärdiga himlen (1962)
C Major
When he came down to the street after the rendezvous
the air was swirling with snow.
Winter had come
while they lay together.
The night shone white.
He walked quickly with joy.
The whole town was downhill.
the air was swirling with snow.
Winter had come
while they lay together.
The night shone white.
He walked quickly with joy.
The whole town was downhill.
The smiles passing by -
everyone was smiling behind turned-up collars.
It was free!
And all the question marks began singing of God’s being.
So he thought.
A music broke out
and walked in the swirling snow
with long steps.
Everything on the way towards the note C.
A trembling compass directed at C.
One hour higher than the torments.
It was easy!
So he thought.
A music broke out
and walked in the swirling snow
with long steps.
Everything on the way towards the note C.
A trembling compass directed at C.
One hour higher than the torments.
It was easy!
Behind turned-up collars everyone was smiling.
Translation Robin Fulton
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